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Showing articles from WHW0303B tag

Enabling the Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) feature of the Linksys router

Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) is a spectrum-sharing mechanism that allows multiple Wireless Local Area Networks to coexist with radar systems. It automatically selects a frequency that does not interfere with certain radar systems while operating in the 5 GHz band. The benefits of using DFS channels are less Wi-F…

Overview of the Linksys Intelligent Mesh's page

This article will give you an overview of your router's page. To learn how to access the, click here . NOTE: Images and features may vary depending on the model of your router. Tools / Settings Description and Image Device List The Device List page displays …

What settings need to be checked when using a Managed or Unmanaged switch?

The Linksys Velop can use Managed and  Unmanaged switches.  Unmanaged switches usually do not need setting adjustments as the switch simply passes all traffic.  On the other hand, Managed switches usually require the user to confirm the following set-up and make necessary changes. NOTE:   It is recommended …

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