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Showing articles from MX8502 tag

How to add a wired child node using the page

It is recommended to add the child node to your Linksys Intelligent Mesh™ system using the Linksys app . However, if you would rather set up the child node manually, follow the steps below. Before you begin Make sure you have the following ready: * A configured parent node. If the parent node is all set up, …

Setting up a Linksys Velop Intelligent Mesh WiFi system using temp WiFi

If you would rather not set up your node using  Bluetooth®  or are having Bluetooth setup issues, you can also set up your Linksys Mesh WiFi system via temporary WiFi using the Linksys app. This article is for  Linksys WHW03, MX, or MR series routers . Before you begin: * Download or update the latest Link…

Setting up a Linksys Mesh system using Bluetooth on your mobile device

This article will teach you how you can set up the Linksys Mesh network in minutes through the Linksys app using Bluetooth® . This is applicable to the following devices: * Linksys Cognitive™ Mesh series: Linksys MBE7000, MX6200, MR20WH and MR55WH * Linksys Intelligent Mesh™ series: Linksys MX2000, MX5500, MX8500…

Installing the Linksys app via the App Store

The Linksys app is a free mobile application that allows you to securely access your home network, router features, and settings from a mobile device. The Linksys app is compatible only with iOS 14.1 or greater.   This article will provide you with instructions on how to install the application on your iPad®, iPhon…

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