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Home > Advanced Configurations > WiFi Routers > How to configure DHCP Reservation using your Linksys cloud account
How to configure DHCP Reservation using your Linksys cloud account
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The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Reservation feature allows the router to reserve the lease of an IP Address for a specific device on your network, effectively ensuring that the router does not assign the IP Address to other devices in the network.  This is helpful when managing multiple devices such as print servers, web cameras, network printers, or game consoles.

IMPORTANT:  The IP Address has to be within the DHCP Reservation range.  This is because you cannot set an IP reservation outside the DHCP range.

QUICK TIP:  The DHCP Server should be enabled because disabling it will make your router work as a switch, allowing only one (1) computer to have Internet access.  In cases when the DHCP server is disabled but IP Addresses are still assigned, it is the router's Network Address Translation (NAT) that translates these addresses coming from your modem.

To configure a DHCP reservation, follow the steps provided below:

1. Access your Linksys cloud account.  For instructions, click here.

2. Click Connectivity.


3. Click the Local Network tab.


The Local Network tab contains two (2) sections: 

1.  Router Details


  • Host name – This is the router's name.
  • IP address – This is the router's IP Address.  


QUICK TIP:  You may change this address but must reconnect devices currently connected to your router since it will have a different IP Address.

  • Subnet mask – This is the router's subnet mask.  It's used to divide a network into subnets so information can be routed correctly to your computers and devices.  Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will provide you with the subnet mask setting needed here.

2.  DHCP Server


  • Start IP address – This is the starting IP Address given to the first device that connects to the network. 
  • Maximum number of users – This is the total number of devices that can connect to your router.  This number can't be greater than 253 and by default is set to 50.
  • IP address range – The available IP Addresses that can be used on the network.
  • Client lease time – The amount of time (in minutes) a network user is allowed to connect to the router with their current IP Address.  When the time has expired, the user will be automatically assigned a new IP Address, or the lease will be renewed.
  • Static DNS 1 - 3 Domain Name System (DNS) is how the Internet translates a domain or website name into an Internet address or URL that you can access.  Your ISP will provide at least one DNS server IP Address.  You can enter up to three (3).
  • WINS – The Windows Internet Naming Services (WINS) is responsible for managing each computer's interaction with the Internet.  If you use a WINS server, enter that server's IP Address here.  Otherwise, leave this blank.
  • DHCP Reservations – This is where you can assign a unique, fixed IP Address to a specific device on your network.  This is helpful when you want your device to have the same IP Address every time it connects to the network.

4. Under DHCP Server, click DHCP Reservations.

5. This will show you the list of devices connected to your network.  Select the device you want to add and click Add DHCP Reservation.  


NOTE:  If the device you want to add is not listed, you can manually add a device to the DHCP Reservation list.  To do this, you will need to get the MAC Address of your device and then click Manually add device reservation to enter the following details:

  • Device Name – This is the name of the device you want to add.
  • Assign IP Address – This is the fixed IP Address it will get every time it connects to the network.
  • To: MAC Address – This is a unique identifier associated with a device. 


6. Click Save.


QUICK TIP:  You can click on Edit or Delete to configure your DHCP Reservation List.  Edit will allow you to change the Device NameAssign IP Address, and To: MAC AddressDelete will remove the device from the list.


7. To save the changes you’ve made, click .

Your device will automatically get the assigned IP Address every time it connects to the network.  It will also no longer experience any IP Address conflicts with other devices in the network.

Expanding your network

Aside from configuring the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Routers’ advanced features, you can still do more.  By simply connecting additional devices, you can now extend your wireless signal to accommodate the hard-to-reach areas at home and even connect more devices (both wired and wireless) for gaming or entertainment. 


Related Article:

Accessing the DHCP client table through the Linksys cloud account

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