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Home > Advanced Configurations > WiFi Routers > Adding applications or online games on the Media Prioritization Tool of the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account
Adding applications or online games on the Media Prioritization Tool of the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account
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Media Prioritization Tool allows you to set higher priority and increase bandwidth allocation to selected devices and streaming applications. This article will guide you through that process.


IMPORTANT:  Before you proceed in configuring this feature on your router, you need to know the different port numbers for the application or online game you want to prioritize. This can range from 0 to 65535. Check the documentation of the specific application or online game for more information.


To view video instructions on how to utilize the Media Prioritization Tool click, here.

1. Access your Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account.

2. Click on Media Prioritization.

3. Select the Add a New Application... option from the Applications drop-down list.


4. Enter the Application Name on the dialogue box that appears. Enter values for Port Range on the allotted fields below and choose the correct Protocol from the available drop-down list.


5. Once you’re done, click Ok.

The same steps above apply when adding a new application/online game for bandwidth prioritization.


Setting priority for your application

Once you have added the application to your media prioritization, you can now set its bandwidth priority on your network. To do this, simply drag the green widget element to the HIGH PRIORITY section.

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