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Home > Advanced Configurations > WiFi Routers > How to configure VLAN of the Linksys Dual-Band WiFi Router for your ISP
How to configure VLAN of the Linksys Dual-Band WiFi Router for your ISP
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If your internet service provider (ISP) requires virtual LAN (VLAN) tagging, you will need to configure the VLAN settings provided by your ISP.

Before you begin:


  • Contact your ISP to request settings or input details needed to configure VLAN.


Follow the steps below to configure the VLAN of the Linksys Dual-Band WiFi Router:

1. Log in to the Linksys Dual-Band WiFi Router's web interface.

2. Click the Configuration tab.

3. Click VLAN Setup.

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4. Enter the VLAN settings provided by your ISP and click Save. Make sure to check the box under the Enable column, of the same row where the VLAN settings are applied.
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You should have successfully configured VLAN of the Linksys Dual-Band WiFi Router for your ISP

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