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Home > Advanced Configurations > Managed Switches > How to add users to the Linksys Managed Gigabit Switch
How to add users to the Linksys Managed Gigabit Switch
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The User Management page of your Linksys Managed Gigabit Switch allows you to control management access to the switch based on manually configured usernames and passwords.

A User account can only view settings without the right to configure the switch, while an Admin account can configure all the functions of the switch.

To add users to your switch, follow the steps below.

Note that if the images you see or the steps you follow look different from the actual page, here are
alternative instructions/information.


1. Log in to the web interface of your switch.

2. Click on Management. Then click on User Management.


3. Click to enter the following details:


  • User Name: Enter a username. You can use up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
  • Password: Enter a new password for accessing the switch.
  • Password Retype: Re-enter the new password used to access the switch.
  • Privilege Type: Select Admin or User from the list to regulate access rights.


  • An Admin user has full access rights to the switch when determining the authority of the user account.
  • If you want to edit a specific user, click the button alongside the user you want to edit.


4. Click Apply to accept the changes or Cancel to discard them.

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