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Home > Advanced Configurations > Managed Switches > Configuring the IP Settings on a Linksys Managed Gigabit Switch
Configuring the IP Settings on a Linksys Managed Gigabit Switch
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The IP Settings page of your Linksys Managed Gigabit Switch contains fields for assigning IP addresses. These IP addresses are either defined as static or are retrieved using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

If the images you see or the steps you follow look different from the actual page, here are
alternative instructions/information. On this page, you can do the following:

  • Configure a static IP address for your switch
  • Configure up to four DNS servers

A Linksys Managed Gigabit Switch supports the configuration of multiple IP interfaces. To access this page, follow these steps:

1. Access the web interface of your switch. 

2. Click on IP Settings under the System menu.


3. Under IP Settings, you can configure the following:

IPv4 Management
IPv6 Management
IPv4 Network
IPv6 Network
DNS Servers


IPv4 Management

This page allows you to modify the management VLAN interface whether they are set to static IP or DHCP/BOOTP for auto-configuration.
IMPORTANT: If the device fails to retrieve an IP address through DHCP, the default IP address is and the factory default subnet mask is



Click Edit o modify a specific IPv4 interface. Click Apply to accept the changes or Cancel to discard them.

IPv6 Management

IPv6 is an upgraded version of IPv4. It provides more available IP addresses as well as other benefits. To access the switch over an IPv6 network, you must first configure it with IPv6 information (IPv6 address, prefix length, and LinkLocal or Global address type). 
To configure IPv6 for the switch, select a VLAN interface to modify or press the  button to add a new IPv6 address.


Click to modify a specific IPv6 interface and to delete an IPv6 interface entry manually. Click Apply to accept the changes or Cancel to discard them.

IPv4 Network

On this page, you can add an IPv4 address on an un-management VLAN.


  • VlanID: Specify the VLAN ID.
  • Address: This field allows the entry of an IPv4 address to be assigned to this IP interface. Enter the IP address of your switch in dotted decimal notation.
  • Subnet Mask: A subnet mask separates the IP address into the network and host addresses. This should be labeled in the form:, where each xxx is a number (represented in decimals) between 0 and 255. The value should be for a Class A network, for a Class B network, and for a Class C network, but custom subnet masks are allowed. Enter the IP subnet mask of your switch in dotted decimal notation. The factory default value is

IPv6 Network

On this page, you can add an IPv6 address on un-management VLAN.


  • VlanID: Specify the VLAN ID.
  • Address: This field allows the entry of an IPv6 address/prefix to be assigned to this IP interface.
  • Prefix Length: Displays values between 1 to 128.
  • Address Type: Unicast for IPv6 Global address type and LinkLocal for IPv6 link-local address type.

DNS Servers

Domain Name System (DNS) can transfer a hostname to an IP address. The switch supports four IP address lists of DNS servers. If DHCP is selected in the IPv4, interface the DNS information in the DHCP option will auto-add to the DNS IP address list.

Click to modify a specific IPv6 interface and to delete an IPv6 interface entry manually. Click Apply to accept the changes or Cancel  to discard them.

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