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Home > Advanced Configurations > WiFi Routers > Understanding the Home page of a Linksys Now web interface
Understanding the Home page of a Linksys Now web interface
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The dashboard is the landing page after you have logged into the router. It will provide a quick summary of your current network.





Home, Menu, and Support



There are three buttons/tabs at the top of the page:


  • Home - Select the Home button to return to the main dashboard.
  • Menu - Click to view all network settings
  • Support - Click to view FAQs



Account icon

The Account profile icon  is located on the upper-right hand side. In this section you can change the language, theme, view additional documentation, and log out of the router.



Router date/time

On the upper-right hand side of your dashboard, you will see the current date and time of your router. To adjust this setting, click on it or you can also go to Menu > Instant-Admin



Online status

In this section you will see your online status, model, serial number and cunt firmware of the parent router.



If the router is offline, you will see the following status with a Troubleshoot option to try some of the steps provided to help you get back online.






In the tile displaying the port image, you can check the current status of the Internet port of the parent router.


In this example, we are using the Linksys LN1600 which supports up to 2.5 Gbps. The link speed may vary depending on what device is connected to the port on the router.


Check Speeds- To run a speed test, click on the Check Speeds button. You will provided with external speed testing websites.



My Network

In the My Network tile, you will see a quick summary of your network.


  • Displays if the firmare is up to date. If you have new firmware prompt, click on it to update it.
  • Nodes - Total amount of nodes in the network. Clicking on this tile will take you to the Instant-Topology settings.
    • Offline node- A red excalamation mark in the Nodes tile, means a child node is offline. Click on it to see which node is offline.



  • Devices - Total number of devices that are currently connected. To view more information on these devices, click on the Devices tile.
  • Hierachy of your nodes, along with how many clients are connected to each node and signal strength of a wireless node. To view more information of a node, simply click on it or go to Menu > Instant-Topology.


2.4GHz and 5GHz radio tiles

In this section, you will see your WiFi name for each radio and total devices connected to each radio.


To see more information or change the WiFi settings click on the tile or go to Menu > Incredible-WiFi.


For troubleshooting purpoes you can turn off either the 2.4 or 5 GHz radio, you will not be allowed to turn them both off. When you turn off one radio, the other radio will be greyed out to prevent turning it off.

Hover over the QR code image to show the QR code to scan a mobile device.


Click on the QR code share icon   to share the WiFi credentials with devices in your home. You can either copy the credntials to clipboard, and scan or download the QR code.



Guest WiFi

The Guest WiFi is disabled by default. Click to enable it or click on the tile to change the Guest WiFi name and password.


Share your Guest WiFi with your guest without giving out your main WiFi credentials to prevent accessing your main network.


Instant- Privacy and Night mode



Instant-Privacy will prevent any new devices (WiFi) from connecting to your network. This feature is disabled by default. Learn more


Night mode


Night model automatically turns off the lights on all supported nodes in the network between 8PM and 8AM.



Hover over the information  icon to get a description about the feature.



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