Parental Controls allows you to limit which devices can go online on your network during specific times of the day and lets you set restrictions to up to 14 devices on your network.
With Parental Controls, you can:
With Parental Controls, you can:
- Block internet sites on specific devices
- Restrict internet access on specific devices
- Restrict internet access on specific times
This tool enables you to restrict internet access for specific devices used by children or teens in your home.

Accessing Parental Controls
1. Open a web browser and enter your router’s IP address or “myrouter.local” in the Address bar then press [Enter].
NOTE: The router’s default IP address is If it doesn’t work or if the IP address has been changed, check your Linksys router's IP address. For instructions, click here.
2. Under the Smart Wi-Fi Tools menu, click on Parental Controls.
NOTE: The router’s default IP address is If it doesn’t work or if the IP address has been changed, check your Linksys router's IP address. For instructions, click here.
2. Under the Smart Wi-Fi Tools menu, click on Parental Controls.

You can now configure Parental Controls according to your preference.

Block internet sites on specific devices

This option lets you enter specific websites that you want to block. Click Add to enter the URL or website address to block. To learn more, click here.
NOTE: Website addresses with "https://" can be blocked but because they have encryption, Linksys Smart WiFi cannot redirect you. Instead of a page telling you the address has been blocked, you will see a browser-error message.
Restrict internet access on specific devices
Select the computer or device for which you want to set Parental Controls to, then, specify the limitations you want to apply.
NOTE: Website addresses with "https://" can be blocked but because they have encryption, Linksys Smart WiFi cannot redirect you. Instead of a page telling you the address has been blocked, you will see a browser-error message.
Restrict internet access on specific devices
Select the computer or device for which you want to set Parental Controls to, then, specify the limitations you want to apply.
- Click Never to ensure that a device is able to access the internet at any time. Even if you keep internet access open, you can still use the Block specific sites option to block specific sites for the selected computer or device. For detailed instructions, click here.

- Click Always to completely block internet access on a device at anytime. To learn more, click here.

Restrict internet access on specific times
Select the computer or device for which you want to set Parental Controls to on a specific time. For detailed instructions, click here.
Select the computer or device for which you want to set Parental Controls to on a specific time. For detailed instructions, click here.
- Click Specific Times to choose specific hours when access to the internet is blocked. During these times, users on the computer or device will not be able to access the internet.
NOTE: If you want to disable Parental Controls, click here.
Securing your network
Apart from enabling Parental Controls, you can also control internet access for guests or temporary visitors in your home with the Guest Access feature. To learn more about this, click on the link below:
Securing your network
Apart from enabling Parental Controls, you can also control internet access for guests or temporary visitors in your home with the Guest Access feature. To learn more about this, click on the link below:
How to manage the Guest Access Feature using the Linksys cloud account
Related Video:
Setting up Parental Controls using the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account (VIDEO)