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Home > Advanced Configurations > Mesh Systems > How to navigate through the Linksys app
How to navigate through the Linksys app
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The Linksys app allows you to access your Linksys cloud account using your mobile device and gives you the option to make changes to your network settings the way you do from a regular web browser.  
You can install the Linksys app on your
Android™ or iOS mobile device.

Logging into the Linksys app
Dashboard screen
Accessing the menu options


Logging into the Linksys app
Note that steps and images may vary depending on the firmware version of the Linksys app and the operating system of your mobile device.

When you open the Linksys app, tap Manage Your Wi-Fi for iOS or Log in for Android. You will be prompted to enter your login information.

You can also tap on Router Password or Use Router Password and enter the required information to log in locally.

Dashboard screen

The dashboard is the landing page of the Linksys app. It displays the connection status of the network, the number of connected devices, and other network settings.

Settings may vary depending on the model of your Linksys router.
Accessing the menu options
Tap the menu icon on the upper left of the dashboard to view the features available in the app.
The WiFi name will appear at the bottom for Android devices and on top for iOS devices.

Below are the available options:
  • Devices - You can view the number of connected clients in this section and rename devices for better identification.
  • Safe Browsing - Block pre-defined adult content or customize blocked content using OpenDNS features. Learn about Safe Browsing.
  • Parental Controls - This section will show you the number of clients that are configured with the Parental Controls feature.
  • Wi-Fi Settings - Tap this section to view or change your WiFi settings.
  • Guest Network/Guest Access - This feature allows guests to use your internet connection without granting access to your files and other devices connected to your main network.
  • Speed Check/Internet Speed - This section lets you check your internet speed.
  • External Storage - This feature allows you to share a storage device with the network and is available only on supported products.  
  • Priority - This is a device prioritization feature that lets you choose the devices or applications that will get the most bandwidth.
  • Notifications - This feature allows you to enable or disable notifications when your device goes offline. Learn how to turn ON/OFF the notifications for your router using the Linksys app.
  • Network Administration - This feature provides information about your network and devices such as the firmware version, time zone, and IP details.  
  • Advanced Settings - This feature allows you to configure the internet, port, and local settings for your network or set MAC address filtering for WiFi clients.
  • Set up a New Product - Tap this option to extend your network by adding more child nodes.
  • Account/My Account - Tap this to view your Linksys cloud account information. When you are logged in with your Linksys cloud account, you will have an Account button. In the Account section, you can access your account profile, two-step verification settings, subscription status (if supported), and other settings. To log out just tap Account > Logout. If the Linksys cloud is down or your internet connection goes offline, you can log in locally using the router password. When you are logged in locally, you will see the Logout button instead of the Account button. Once the connection is back up, you can log out and log back in with your Linksys cloud account. 
  • Help - Tap this option to get help with the Linksys app.
  • About Linksys - Tap on this to check the version of the Linksys app or read more on the Linksys Privacy Pledge.


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